

learningLezintombiziyakhona is our girl empowerment program which is a sports leadership, sexual reproductive health and rights based program

The goal of the program is to create a world were girls & women lead dignified lives, valued as equals and have control over their sexuality and economic development

Program Pathways

Sport Leadership: Training young girls in a range of leadership roles such as coaching, refereeing, peer educators, first aiders and youth peer providers

Sexual Reproductive Health Rights: Peer education training on sexual reproductive health rights through Monthly Girl Empowerment Clubs and weekly sports integrated life skills activities

Gender Intelligence : Gender intelligence and education to encourage tolerance of all people. .

Education & Economic Empowerment : Economic empowerment to improve young girls livelihoods through career guidance and business skills training.Education to improve numeracy and literacy skills is supported through provision of After Schools Homework Clubs .

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to change lives

Figure 1 : Girl Empowerment Model

The model focuses on the team and on the individual girls that comprise a team .The needs of each individual girl growing up and passing through her developmental stages are carefully addressed by the girl , her mentors and programme at large. Her pathway “unfolds” with needs-based interventions to support her productive health and her capacity to break free from the cycle of poverty.